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This tasty treat is great for the cold winter months & is loved by all ages.


Gelatin is rich in protein, with amino acids that help improve skin & hair health.

Raw honey is a packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, prebiotics, antibacterial & antifungal properties. Not only does it help with overall skin health, it also helps promote a healthy gut microbiome & has been used to soothe sore throats.


1 Cup Water

3 Tbsp Grass Fed Gelatin Powder

1/2 Cup Honey

1 Tbsp Vanilla


1. Add 1/2 cup water to a large mixing bowl.

2. Sprinkle gelatin powder on top and let it rest.

3. In a small sauce pan, combine remaining water & honey.

4. warm the mixture until honey is melted. Do not bring to a boil.

5. Using a hand held or stand mixer, start to mix the gelatin mixture on low.

6. Gradually pour the honey mixture into the gelatin mixture.

7. Add vanilla and continue to mix on high, for 8-10 min until it turns in to a tick, glossy fluff.

8. Once it reaches the fluffy consistency, pour in to a baking dish lined with parchment paper. Choose your container by the how you would like the finished product to look.

9. Place in fridge for 4 hrs or overnight.

10. Cut into cubes & enjoy. Serve over hot beverages or add to any dish that requires marshmallows.

Something Extra: Sprinkle cinnamon, coco powder or nutmeg on top before putting them in the fridge to add a little extra flavour. Substitute water for your favorite tea or nutritional herbal infusion (chai, earl grey, marshmallow root) to add exciting flavours.

Storage: Keep Refrigerated. Can last up to 2 weeks in an air tight container.

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